
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Reason of Difficulty

In the Kitab Al-Baqarah Fii fadl Lis Sa'yiwal Harokah in the stacks by Muhammad Bin Abi Abdillah Abdulrahman Al Ethiopia has described the matter - matter that relates to the difficulties person. Namely:

* No Prayer

* If you want to eat not read Bismillah

* Eat at the top plate is inverted

* Wearing shoes to start with the left

* Thinking that light - that which falls in food

* Ablution place in the small bowel or

* Like relying on door

* Like sitting on stairs

* Familiarize themselves in hand-washing dishes after meals

* Washing hands with flour or ground 

* Not cleaning house

* Removing or sweeping trash with cloth

* Like cleaning the house at night

* Like sleeping on face

* Burns onion skin

* Sewing clothes being worn

* Wipe face with clothes

* Stand with belt fight

* Sleep not wear clothes

* Eat before junub bath (shower impurity)

* Helter - skelter out of mosques after prayers (morning)

* The sun is not rising to go to market

* Delayed return from market

* Prayer of things are not good

* Do not close the food served

* Like to remove kerosene lamps or candles with breath

* Removing head lice in the living conditions

* Washing feet with the right hand

* Love in the urine flowing

* Wearing pants while standing

* Wearing a turban while sitting

* Bathroom junub in the toilet or stool

* Eat with two fingers

* Walking between two goats

* Walking between two women

* Like to mock beard

* Like putting fingers above the knee

* Putting the palms in the nose

* Like biting nails 

* Like to expose private parts (aurat) in the sun or the moon

* Facing Qiblah while in the toilet

* Yawning during prayers

* Spit in the toilet

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