
Monday, October 19, 2009

20 Practice Cheap LIVELIHOOD

Practices have become slaves because God had blessed him with the provision of area rich in taste and his gift. Based on the concept of provision that has been dealt with, God was giving way every slave to obtain his sustenance in various forms which can be a source of good world and the hereafter. Among them :

1. He forced himself to worship
He not Waste slavery themselves His servants, as his words in the Hadith Qudsi: "O son of Adam, sempatkanlah to worship Me and I will make thee rich and close kefakiranmu. If you do not then I will fill your hand with the racket, and I did not close kefakiranmu. "(Narrated by Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and al-Hakim from Abu Huraira)

2. Istighfar
Establishes forgiveness is confession of sin and sadness in front of a servant of Allah, which is the reason He fell in love and pity His servants and He delights in life and the life of the expanded slave. The Prophet peace be upon him: "Whoever establishes the forgiveness Allah will remove all kedukaannya, solve all problems and provide for him from unexpected directions." (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Daud, an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and al-Hakim of Abdullah bin Abbas)

3. Leave sin
Forgiveness is not behavior in the presence of God if you do sin. Sin not only make the hearts unsettled even close the door provision. The Prophet saw: "... and a man will be forbidden for him that made provision for sin." (Narrated by at-Tirmizi)

4. Always remember God
Many remember Allah, make the hearts and lives feel calm spaces. This provision that only God gave to the believers. His word: "(that) those who believe in their hearts and settle down with the remembrance of Allah. Remember, only the remembrance of Allah hearts become peaceful. "(Ar-Ra` d: 28)

5. Worship and pray for the mother and father
In Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, the Messenger who want to leave a long age and ditambahi provision, shall devote to connect parents and family bond. He s.a.w. also said: "Who devote to his parents then kebahagiaanlah buatnya and God will prolong his life." (Narrated by Abu Ya'ala, at-Tabrani, al-Hakim and al-Asybahani) pray for the parents also because mengalirnya provision, based on the words of the Prophet Messenger: "When the slaves left the call to both parents would terputuslah provision (of Allah) from it." (Narrated by al-Hakim and ad-Dailami)

6. Do good and help the weak
Do good to those who are weak and glad to celebrate this includes the elderly, the sick, orphans and the poor, also the wife and children are still small. The Prophet peace be upon him: "Shall you be given help and sustenance but because those poor among you." (Narrated by Bukhari)

7. Fulfill wish others
Who wish to perform because God lapangkan provision in tertunainya own wish, such as the words of Allah: "Who will perform the wish of his brother, Allah will fulfill hajatnya ..." (Narrated by Muslim)

8. Many berselawat
There are hadith which organized berselawat if wish or desire not tertunai invocation because it may reduce distress, sadness, and difficulty and extend the provision and implementation of all cause hunger. Allah knows best.

9. Welfare was much
Ibn Abbas said: "Indeed, welfare is to give light heart, generosity provision, the strength of body and loved by other beings. While evil shall be darkened appearance, darkened hearts, weaken the body, narrow provision mengutuknya and other creatures. "

10. Morning-morning
According to the Messenger, morning-morning (starting daily activities best done Subuh prayer in congregation) is the practice of blessing.

11. He worked silaturrahim
Prophet s.a.w. said: "Whoever want dilapangkan provision dilambatkan and proper he should contact his brother-relative." (Narrated by Bukhari)

12. A permanent ablution
Arab villages meet Messenger and ask for guidance on several matters, including provision dimurahkan want him. He s.a.w. said: "Always be in clean (of impurity) He will cheapen things." (Ibn al-Walid Khalid Sayidina)

13. Charity
He invited charity and mercy of Allah open the doors because the provision. Prophet s.a.w. said to Al-Zubair bin Al-Awwam: "O Zubair, know that the key provision that slaves resisted the Throne, which is sent by Allah azza wajalla to each slave simply nafkahnya. So who reproduce giving to others, Allah will increase him. And who menyedikitkan, He menyedikitkan him. "(Reported by ad-Daruquthni of Anas)

14. Always night prayer (tahajud)
There is evidence that the practice of prayer tahajjud facilitate earned income, because a person is trusted and respected person and he would pray God answered.

15. Always mid-morning prayer practices
that made mid-morning prayer time people are busy with the affairs of the world (daily activities), also has its own secrets. Allah says in Hadith Qudsi: "O son of Adam, do not you lazy perform four offered at the beginning of the day (mid-morning prayer), I will compensate later in the evening keperluanmu day." (Narrated by al-Hakim and Thabrani)

16. Syukur to Allah
means grateful to acknowledge all grants and favors from God. His opponent is rejected favor. He said: "And if ye are grateful, I will add My favor unto thee, and indeed if you disbelieve, indeed my very hard." (Ibrahim: 7) His word again: "... and we will reward those who give thanks." (Ali Imran: 145)

17. Evidence and practice specific reading Quran verse
Evidence from the verses of the Qur'an or other asma'ul Husna calm, menjenihkan and soften hearts, it contains special prominence to an area of knowledge, open the door guides, facilitated understand religion, given the sweetness of faith and dilapangkan provision. For example, two sentences at the last chapter-Taubah (verses 128-129) if read consistently seven times each time the last prayer, because God is said to be lapangkan murahkan life and sustenance. One of the name of Allah, al-Fattah (is open) is said to be opened because of the provision if diwiridkan always; for example, read "Ya Allah, ya Fattah" repeatedly, accompanied by prayer: "O God, Open our hearts to know You, Open the door mercy and forgiveness to me, ya ya Fattah 'Alim. "There are also hadith mentions, who practice read surah al-Waqi'ah every night, he will not suffer poverty. Allah knows best.

18. Pray
Pray make a slave close to God, full of hope and rely on the mercy and gift of his. In the Quran, Allah ordered us to seek Him, He will answer.

19. Tend sehabisnya
Who strives, he will be. This way. In an authentic hadith it is said that God gave the world to those who love Him and who does not love him, but only religion God gave to those who love Him only. (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Abi al-Hakim and Syaibah) For believers, it would need to find reasons that could lead to cheaper provision in a broad scope. For example, to calm dibacanya Quran, can be a good dididiknya children since children in the womb again, want healthy nutrition and eating dijaganya good and lawful, to be a good neighbor so he will do well, owing to the provision dijauhinya illegal, etc. .

20. Trust Tawakal with, a person will feel direzekikan rich with God.
His word: "Whoever put their trust in Allah, Allah will fulfill (needs)." (At-Thalaq: 3) Prophet s.a.w. said: "If you trust in Allah with true tawakal, would you have given sustenance things like birds, it is morning and evening have been hunger satiated." (Narrated by Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, al - Judges from Umar bin Al-Khattab) Each of the above are practices that lead to righteousness. With piety, Allah will give "a way out (of all things that trouble), and provide for him from where he does not expect in his heart." (At-Talaq: 2-3) In short, for Muslims, for cheap sustenance in the real sense, this is the key practices of piety. Practices this fall because of the love of Allah, and Allah blessed His servants with the provision of area rich in taste and his gift.

ANIS Collection

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